60 min - £50 90min - £85 (Including an Indian Head Massage)
Balance your whole bodies energy and physical health and well-being with this healing and relaxing Foot Therapy treatment which will help refresh tired, puffy feet and leave them feeling revitalised, refreshed and totally relaxed. This foot therapy is perfect for everybody and includes foot exfoliation, herbal mud mask and aromatherapy Reflexology massage and pressure points. Helping you to feel lighter on your feet and more balanced in body and mind.
Regular treatment is recommended for best results.

MONDAY - FRIDAY 11:00 - 18:30 SATURDAY 11:00 - 17:00
SUNDAY 12:30 - 16:30

Pure Bliss Holistic Therapy
Nurturing Your Body, Mind, Spirit, and Soul
Exclusive Holistic Therapies for Women Only
It's time to
relax, rebalance, Rejuvenate, and unwind.
Discover your ultimate bliss...

“In meditation, healing can happen. When the mind is calm, alert and totally contented, then it is like a laser beam – it is very powerful and healing can happen.” - Sri Sri Ravi Sankar
​One-to-One Sessions of Meditation
45 minutes - £40.00​
At a Location - £55.00+
Online on Skype or Zoom - 30 minutes - £25.00

Learn Meditation and how to do it yourself in a relaxed, calm environment in our therapy room in Henley-On-Thames or at your chosen location.
Each Meditation can be tailored to your needs, but some could include the following:
Transcendental Meditation
A Quiet Mind Meditation
Self Healing and Empowerment
To face your emotions and your authentic self
Self-cleansing of the Chakras
Meditation for Recovery
Mind Calm Meditation
I also provide Meditation Sessions for beginners as well as Meditations especially for:
Anxiety and Stress
For Hormonal Balance
For Better Sleep
For Manifesting and the Law of Attraction
For Tension, aches and pains
For Better Focus and concentration
Calming the "Monkey Mind"
For Life
Each of the Meditations is relaxing, enjoyable and effective.
Book a 30-minute session to try it for yourself.
Meditation courses are highly recommended. Contact me to learn more and discover which Meditation is best for your needs. I can provide a course of three, six, eight, or twelve sessions—perfect for beginners and to establish a routine and practice you can learn and continue throughout life.
Get in touch with me to find out more at kellysinghinfo@mail.com

"Meditation is like giving a hug to ourselves, getting in touch with that awesome reality in us, while meditating we feel a deep sense of intimacy with God, a love that is inexplicable"
Paramahamsa Yogananda
Relaxing And Calming Meditation Audios

For Anxiety, Stress, Fear and Worry
This 20 minutes relaxing and peaceful guided meditation mp3 is for anyone suffering with Anxiety, Overwelme, Stress, Fear and Worry.
Enjoy the peace and relaxation of finally being able to fully let go.

For Relaxing Deep and Restful Sleep
This 20 minute Relaxing Guided Deep and Restful Sleep Meditation mp3 is for anyone struggling with sleep and quality of sleep.
Be gently guided to a more relaxed sleep and peaceful nights in bed!

To Bring Peace and Calmness to all Situations
This relaxing 20 minute guided meditation mp3 for panic attacks could help you to unwind and let go and to feel more relaxed and in-control.
Start your relaxing journey today!