60 min - £50 90min - £85 (Including an Indian Head Massage)
Balance your whole bodies energy and physical health and well-being with this healing and relaxing Foot Therapy treatment which will help refresh tired, puffy feet and leave them feeling revitalised, refreshed and totally relaxed. This foot therapy is perfect for everybody and includes foot exfoliation, herbal mud mask and aromatherapy Reflexology massage and pressure points. Helping you to feel lighter on your feet and more balanced in body and mind.
Regular treatment is recommended for best results.
MONDAY - FRIDAY 11:00 - 18:30 SATURDAY 11:00 - 17:00
SUNDAY 12:30 - 16:30
Pure Bliss Holistic Therapy
Nurturing Your Body, Mind, Spirit, and Soul
Exclusive Holistic Therapies for Women Only
It's time to
relax, rebalance, Rejuvenate, and unwind.
Discover your ultimate bliss...
To Massages and Therapies
Contra-indications To Massages and Therapies
What are Contra-indications?
Contra-indications mean a procedure such as a treatment such as a massage or therapy which should not be used or under taken as it may be harmful to the person having the treatment or service.
Therapy such as Massage, Facials or any other treatments should not be given, used or applied in the given condition or circumstances. All Massage and therapies are totally and absolutely contraindicated.
So it is advised to not treat the person or persons with the contra-indications to the therapy or service being provided.
Below are the reasons it is not recommended in any way on any part of the body. No therapy must be given at all.
Which is for the patients/Clients safety and for the safety of the therapist and other patients and clients.
Here are the main contra-indications where treatment and service will not be able to go ahead under any terms.
When You Cannot Have a Treatment or Therapy:
If you have a Fever
Have any Cold of Flu symptoms, sore throat, no matter how mild it may seem. As well as Shingles
If you have taken alcohol or drugs within the last 12 hours - including any prescription pain medication
Recent operation or acute injuries
Minor or Major surgery (within the last 18 months)
Servere, unstable hypertension
Local contagious or irritable skin conditions such as boils, warts or herpes, as well as any burns, rashes or sores.
Severe sunburn
Servere Atherosclerosis - thickening and loss of elasticity of the arterial walls
Liver disease
Kidney disease
Inflammation in any of the bodies organs
Bleeding conditions
Respiratory Failure and Conditions
Suffering from Appendicitis
Severe pain
Disorders of the nervous system
Had a Stroke or Heart attack
In Shock
Undiagnosed severe headaches, dizziness or numbness
Infectious Skin Diseases or Conditions such as cold sores, open sores, fungal and viruses
Artificial blood vessels
Recent accident, fractures, sprains or injuries
Any Inflammatory Conditions
Chronic active Hepatitis
Blood clots or blood infections such as Sepsis
Deep vein Thrombrosis
Any Heart Conditions
Blood Conditions such as Hemophilia
Cancer - if undergoing treatment
High Metastatic cancers, such as lymphoma, malignant melanoma
Diabetes Mellitus 1 or 2 with Advanced heart or kidney disease or advanced vascular complications
Pregnancy - especially the first trimester
Pitting Edema
Recent scaring and scar tissue
Any questions or quires regarding any of the above and treatment and service, please contact Kelly to find out more